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 "PWO-EXPO 2022" 
 The First Open Virtual Philatelic Websites and Social Media Exhibition 
10 July 2022 to 10 September 2022
Informal Exhibition with Simple Judging Standards | Level I Open Exhibition
The Deadline for Applications for Participation Passed on 30 June 2022
About Virtuafil About Virtuafil

Virtuafil - The Virtual Philately Confederation is a joint project by it's co-founders, the International Moldovan Philatelic Society (IMPS) and the FILABRAS - Associação dos Filatelistas Brasileiros. The objective is to create an organization and an on-line platform where philatelists at all levels, previously excluded from participation at competitive exhibitions due to costs and overly restrictive and complicated regulations, can enjoy the the competitive exhibition experience in a friendly, inclusive and educational way.

The costs for individual participation at all Virtuafil competitive exhibitions are always zero and there are extremely minimal restrictions on eligibility for individual participation.

Membership of Virtual is open to all philatelic organizations, whether they are officially registered entities or existing only on a de facto basis. The costs for membership are zero. Eligibility for Virtuafil organizational membership involves only these minimal requirements:

  • Your organization must represent a group of individual philatelists and have it's own membership list
  • Your organization must be supportive of philately on the internet and social media, now or in the future
  • Your organization must actively support the objectives Virtuafil and agree to the Articles of the Virtuafil Constitution

Approved Virtuafil institutional member organizations (VMOs) are entitled to create and conduct virtual philatelic exhibitions using the free services of the Virtuafil Platform. VMOs may host exhibitions unilaterally or in conjunction with other VMOs. On this basis, International exhibitions and even World exhibitions are facilitated.

If your philatelic organization would like to become a Virtuafil Member Organization, please contact us at the email address below.

The Virtuafil Platform is constantly undergoing development and there are ambitious plans to incorporate all types of new functionality.